We promise to protect our children’s…



“As a father, grandfather, pastor, and US Representative, I am committed to protecting America’s children—their minds, bodies, and souls. Our children represent our nation’s future and that future is under attack.

Today there are activists seeking to sexualize K-12 education, to make politicized “gender affirmative” interventions the standard medical care for our children, to deprive our daughters of their equality, opportunity, and safety. American children deserve to be protected from explicit sexual content in school curricula, sexual predators in single-sex facilities and from controversial medical treatment based on a destructive gender ideology.

That is why I support The Promise to America’s Children. I promise to protect every American child from destructive gender ideology and sexualization. As Values Action Team (VAT) co-chair, I challenge my colleagues in Congress to join me in promising to protect the children of our nation and protect traditional American values.”

Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA)

“Protecting our nation’s children should be among the highest priorities of America’s leaders. For parents, there is nothing more important. And yet, the bodies, minds and souls of American children are in greater danger than ever today, thanks to the Sexual Revolution and the radical policies which have enabled and encouraged it. In particular, the ubiquity of pornography online and the way it is marketed and made accessible even to children is an especially pernicious threat to our youngest generation. For this reason, APP is proud to sign the Promise to America’s Children and we strongly urge parents and lawmakers nationwide to do the same.”

Terry Schilling, Executive Director, American Principles Project

“America’s children are her most precious gift. As physicians of the American College of Pediatricians, we are dedicated to cultivating the optimal health of the whole child; committed to protecting their minds, bodies, and souls.

And yet, every day millions of children around America – are the target of explicit sexual content, including from public schools. Curriculum for even young children is filled with graphic information about sex, abortion, and politicized ideas about sexual orientation and gender ideology.

Our children deserve better than this. While those with a radical agenda want to use our children, the American College of Pediatricians wants to protect them.

That’s why the American College of Pediatricians supports the Promise for America’s Children. It’s our promise to protect children’s minds, bodies, and souls, both personally in our medical offices and organizationally in the public square. We call upon lawmakers and other leaders to sign this pledge and commit to defending America’s most valuable gift: our children. The needs of our children must always come first.”

Michelle Cretella, MD, Executive Director, American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds)



“America’s children are being carpet bombed by radical political crusaders using every medium available to undermine traditional family values. They deem these values, and even biological sex itself, as “exploitative.” Television, the internet, and even our public schools are peddling the message to impressionable young children that experimentation with so called “gender fluidity” is just fine. It is more important than ever that we rally together to protect the minds and bodies of our children from intentionally confusing and misleading transgender messaging. That’s why I have introduced two pieces of legislation to protect children from the irreversible harms of physical interventions on their bodies.

Many parents have been misguided by a destructive gender theory that pushes their innocent children to undergo life-altering, permanent procedures that they likely will later regret. In fact, 80 to 95 percent of children who seek counseling but do not receive hormones to block normal puberty eventually accept their biological sex. By protecting against this travesty, my legislation upholds the Promise for America’s Children. These bills honor my pledge to protect children’s minds, bodies, and souls. And they are a call to arms against progressive radicals who will use any means, even at the risk of the children’s future they claim to protect, to erode our traditional value system. I will continue to look out for the interests of America’s children and challenge my fellow lawmakers to do the same. Our children must come first.”

Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA)

“America’s children are our most precious gifts. Concerned Women for America believes that as parents and leaders, it is our duty to protect their minds, bodies, and souls – all of which are under attack by a radical sexual agenda. Girls are especially endangered by the harms of a gender ideology that destroys fairness in sports and deprives them of privacy and safety in spaces like locker rooms, showers, and dormitories. CWA supports the Promise to America’s Children so that our daughters and granddaughters will be assured of fairness on the playing field and bodily privacy and dignity in intimate spaces. I call upon lawmakers and other leaders to sign this pledge and commit to defending our children both personally and in the public square. And, I call on America’s parents, the heart and soul of this pledge, to take action. Our precious children must come first.”

Penny Young Nance, CEO and President, Concerned Women for America

“As the largest secular medical professional organization of medical professionals who practice according to the Hippocratic Oath, AAPLOG affirms several important aspects of the Promise to America’s Children. As medical professionals working in reproductive health, we have seen firsthand the damage caused by sex trafficking and sexual abuse. We strongly agree that ‘Every child deserves to be protected from being used in or exposed to pornography, graphic sexual content or activities as well as from being exposed to it in media and on the Internet.’ Sexual trafficking, besides being a significant issue on its own for our country’s children, also is associated with a high incidence of forced abortions, which damage these children even further. …”

American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG)Read AAPLOG’s full statement here.



“Partners for Ethical Care agrees and endorses The Promise to America’s Children with respect to protecting children’s minds from exposure to pornography, from graphic sexual content, from sexual activities, and from promotion of sexuality and gender messaging that may conflict with parents’ and communities’ values. Partners for Ethical Care stands with concerned parents as we promise America’s Children free speech, privacy and safety in sex-specific spaces, the right to participate safely in sex-segregated sports, and the right to mature into physically and psychologically healthy adults without the intervention of unnatural and unhealthy gender-reassignment treatments.Partners for Ethical Care stands with vulnerable children in promising them that each child deserves a ‘forever family,’ a relationship with both biological parents whenever possible, and that parents should be informed of and involved in all decisions affecting their children.”

Partners for Ethical Care

“The Promise to America’s Children is needed now more than ever. Children deserve a social ecology in which they can mature and flourish, free from corruption by adults whether it be to their minds, their bodies, or their relationship with their own mother and father. The rise of new gender ideologies and radical experimentations on the bodies of young people should prompt all of us to make this promise. Thankfully the Promise makes clear that children deserve help to feel comfortable in their own bodies, and that adults should never interfere with their psychological or biological development.”

Ryan T. Anderson, PhD, President, Ethics and Public Policy Center